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Related article: cessively exploding in showers of many-coloured sparks that threw a mantle of light over some iso- lated college pinnacle, we became aware of a fervid glow spreading over a quarter of the sky. There was undoubtedly a great fire somewhere. There was no ex- citement in the town, no fire- Buy Cheap Dramamine engines were charging madly to the rescue. Order Dramamine Online Could it possibly be that all restraint had been broken through in the Order Dramamine premier college I899-] OXFORD REVISITED. 91 and that pandemonium had been let loose ? What will the Dean say to-morrow ? More rockets, more jets of flame and colour as of many Roman candles. This must be very, very serious. But see ! in another quarter there is another glow, another scintilla- tion of pyrotechnics. Has the whole University united in one explosion, rending the bonds of discipline and asserting the un- controlled licence of the under- graduate ? We were told that there might be some sort of festivity to-night but we did not anticipate that it would take a form so contrary to all the tradi- tions in which we were nurtured. We remember that we have been invited to look in at our old college and, shall we confess it ? with the fear and trembling that come of old association, we pene- trate into the revered precincts. We Buy Dramamine could not have believed it. The quad was alive with men, who were revelling in the hand- ling of squibs, crackers, Roman candles, Catherine wheels and other alarming explosives, which kept up a row like that of a pitched battle and produced a most suffocating and pernicious smoke. In the middle a huge pile of faggots was blazing merrily and was being constantly fed from the college stores of fuel. This was no place for grey-haired eld and, by a back way, we man- aged to arrive at a window from which we could look on the scene. Well, at any rate all the actors were obviously sober. They were doubtless a little excited, but there was not a stagger in the whole crowd. Every pre- caution had been taken against the chance of serious damage and the whole thing was winked at by the dons as a harmless safety valve for exuberant spirits. It was more than insinuated that it was only the freshmen who found pleasure in the saturnalia. The veterans of two or three years' standing who had taken advan- tage of indulgence once or twice, cared little to do so again. It seemed to us that the modern dons are wise in their generation. They have realised that youth must have some outlet for its vivacity and they think it is better tacitly to ignore a little harmless anarchy than, by old- fashioned stern repression, to make anarchy a thing to be sought after for its own Purchase Dramamine sake, as a form of rebellion by turbulent spirits against Dramamine Online established rule and custom. They seem like the wise confectioner who allows his youthful shop assistant to eat of sweets to repletion, knowing that thus, once for all, the taste for such indulgence will be obliterated. After all, what is the net result of such a frolic as we beheld ? A few coats are singed, a few windows are Buy Dramamine Online broken. Even the men who have had their fling would be extremely bored by its repetition and when another oc- casion comes round that must be celebrated in an unusual way, there is no great excitement, such as would be caused if the celebration involved the charm of rebellion, the daring of a great conspiracy. And in other respects too, there seemed to us to be now a good form and decency of conduct among the undergraduates that, to our sorrow let it be said, was not always the case in bygone years. The days of wine parties, as we knew them, have passed away. Well we remember how a youth, on hospitable thoughts intent, would spread an elaborate dessert in his rooms and provide many strong drinks and much tobacco for the entertainment of a dozen friends. He had spent, or gone 92 BAILY S MAGAZINE. [February on tick for, a sum which, Purchase Dramamine Online under the fostering care of an Oxford tradesman of the day, sometimes reached appalling dimensions. The guests arrived. The dessert (we all then had the blessing of a sweet tooth) was quickly ravaged and we began to toy with the most potent and fruity port, the brownest and headiest of sherry. But after a time, even these rather robust drinks became too mild for the occasion. A steaming bowl of highly-spiced and sweetened punch made its appearance and, little knowing how great was our daring, we boldly mixed our liquors. Toasts were proposed, speeches (a little thick in utter- ance) were made, songs (not always the most proper) were sung and as often as not a round game was played, at which such gambling took its course as might be credited with some harm to purse and disposition. Sad was often the end of such an orgie. Some men of course, endowed by nature with strong heads and iron diges- tions or sensible enough to be reasonably moderate in their potations, went home soberly enough. Some steered a very zig-zag course to their cubicles and some, alas ! required much friendly assistance. The following morning there were aching brows and mouths dry as a Latin gram- mar. Study of any kind was an abomination ; reasonable athletic sport almost an impossibility. By the way, however, it was always noticed that those men who had greatly exceeded overnight, were the most punctual in their attend- ance at morning chapel. Perhaps comfortable sleep was not to be wooed. Perhaps they thought that by showing themselves alert they might convey the impression that they lived on toast and water and never heard the chimes at midnight. But as we said before, all this is a thing of the past. Heavy and premeditated carousing has dis- appeared from Oxford as Generic Dramamine from all other good English society. Doubtless, the undergraduates enjoy their modest cups at fitting times and seasons, but they do this within very limited bounds. As in the army, the navy and other professions, everybody is of necessity terribly in earnest about both work and play. Good form